Thermal Imaging Finds What the Naked Eye Misses

Innisfil Property Inspector :

Thermal Imaging (infrared detection) is a fairly new technology for home inspectors because of the cost of equipment. The Barrie Home Inspector has invested in this technology to provide their clients with the best possible inspection available in Simcoe County. Thermal Imaging is the measurement of energy wavelengths emitted from materials. Each product has its own energy signature and this allows your professional home inspector to record any variances from the norm. This shows up as hot spots, cold spots and even drafts when there is a temperature differential of 10 degrees or more. As shown on our Thermal Imaging page, what looks normal to the naked eye can often be concealing hidden damage. We are offering our thermal scanning at no extra charge in conjunction with our home inspection package. We look forward to inspecting your home or business.

We are available at the time of the inspection to discuss any deficiencies or maintenance issues found. We are always available for phone consultations after you receive your computerized report, which usually contains between 40 and 60 pictures, and after you move in we are there for you if you need any consultation.

Thermal imaging and home inspection


Thermal imaging, also known as infrared thermography, is a technology that uses infrared cameras to detect and visualize temperature differences in surfaces. When it comes to home inspections, thermal imaging can be a valuable tool to complement the traditional inspection process. Here’s how thermal imaging can be beneficial in home inspections:

  1. Detecting Hidden Issues: Thermal imaging can reveal issues that may not be apparent during a visual inspection. It can identify temperature variations behind walls, ceilings, and floors, helping to detect hidden problems such as water leaks, insulation gaps, or electrical issues.
  2. Moisture Detection: Thermal cameras can detect areas of moisture or water infiltration. This is particularly useful in identifying leaks, water damage, or areas with high humidity that may lead to mold growth. Moisture issues can be a significant concern in homes, and early detection can prevent further damage.
  3. Electrical Inspections: Thermal imaging can identify hotspots in electrical systems. It helps locate issues such as overloaded circuits, faulty wiring, or electrical components that may be overheating. Addressing these problems early on can prevent electrical fires and ensure the safety of the home.
  4. Insulation Assessment: Thermal imaging can be used to assess the effectiveness of insulation in walls and ceilings. Temperature differences can indicate areas where insulation is lacking or where there may be gaps, allowing for targeted improvements to enhance energy efficiency.
  5. HVAC System Evaluation: Thermal imaging can help assess the performance of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. It can identify issues like uneven heating or cooling, air leaks, or problems with ductwork.
  6. Energy Efficiency: By pinpointing areas of heat loss or gain, thermal imaging can contribute to energy efficiency assessments. Homeowners can use this information to make improvements that reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills.
  7. Pest Infestations: Thermal imaging can sometimes detect the presence of pests such as rodents or termites. These pests can cause damage to the structure of the home, and early detection can facilitate prompt remediation.

It’s important to note that while thermal imaging is a valuable tool, it should not replace a comprehensive visual inspection conducted by a qualified home inspector. The combination of traditional inspection methods and thermal imaging can provide a more thorough understanding of a property’s condition.

If you’re considering a home inspection that includes thermal imaging, make sure to hire a certified and experienced home inspector who is trained in using thermal cameras effectively. 


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Phone Roger – 705-795-8255


We are available 7 days a week from 7 am to 5 pm.
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